Those who are passionate about music know exactly how important fans are. We are eternally grateful to ours, which is why we’ve created two programs for those who want to become even more part of the Rock Burger family.

premium membership
Black friday
This is the basic plan, where you can get a taste of what it means to be part of our community.
You’ll get free access to a Telegram group, where you’ll find:
Exclusive offers and discount codes
Important announcements
Early access to presales for Rock Burger events and activities
Now it’s getting serious! Thanks to an annual partnership, you’ll become part of our community, joining those who have been here from the beginning and those who have joined in the past few months.

All the benefits of the free plan

You’ll be able to attend the EXCLUSIVE DINNERS of the Membership, talk with others who share your passions, and—sometimes—preview our new burgers!

In addition, over time you can accumulate points and gain access to increasingly valuable benefits, reaching different levels until you become a TRUE ROCKSTAR!
Enjoy new exclusive dishes for Membership members
Receive personalized table settings in all our locations
Attend events exclusive to members only
Enjoy our reverence: you'll be treated like a true Rockstar and leave everyone speechless.
The opportunity to make reservations at the venue with priority, even during events.
Do you want to BE PART of it?
Write to us now

BEST BURGER IN ITALY 2019 - 2023 - 2024

in Street Food Battle

from 2014 to present